best music teacher in boulder

Private Lessons - Owen Gribbons

private lessons with Owen Gribbons

Owen Gribbons


Owen Gribbons is a musician living in Boulder, Colorado. He's been playing bass guitar since 14 years old and went to school throughout his teenage years with focus on Musical Theory. Owen has been writing and performing his own music since 2020, and is a part of 3 professionally performing bands since 2022. His styles of choice range from pop-punk, folk, funk, jazz, and rock, and Owen is always looking for the next sound and style to understand and learn from. He regularly performs on both the bass guitar and drums, and has been recording guitar for just as long. A real music lover, Owen is always looking to give back the musical guidance he received, and connect with his community. His strongest beliefs in interacting with budding musicians is encouraging fun, freedom, and a personal connection to the pursuit of their art. When his hands aren't filled with an instrument, he can be found hiking and climbing all around Colorado and reading as much as he can.

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