best music teacher in boulder

Private Lessons - Sam Shipiro

private lessons with Sam Shipiro

Sam Shipiro


Sam first moved to Colorado in 2018 to pursue his Bachelors in Music at the University of Denver. While completing his degree in Audio Engineering and Jazz Guitar, he simultaneously began gigging and integrating himself into the Colorado music scene. Sam founded his indie rock band, Bleak Mystique, in 2021, and since has toured multiple times, been featured in Westword and 303 Magazines, recieved radio play in Colorado and beyond, and has played over 100 gigs with his band in the last 2 years. While he’s not writing, recording, or gigging with his band, Sam also plays with a number of other artists in Colorado, wedding bands, and produces other artists. Sam is skilled playing multiple genres including Jazz, Funk, RnB, Blues, Metal, and specializes in rock/pop playing and songwriting.

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